Note: To learn how your customers can reorder products from previously placed orders via their wholesale account, visit the following article: Reorder a previous order.
You can easily place an order on behalf of your customers, by following the instructions outlined below:
- From your Dashboard, go to the Users section.
- Find the user in question, hover over the user, then click the Switch to button
Note: You will be directed to the My account section for this customer.
To learn about setting up payment methods, visit the following article: How to set up a new payment method
My account
From the customer’s My account section, you can either:
- Reorder a previous order (buyer’s perspective)
OR - Click on the Home (
) button, to go to the Product overview, and assemble the order.
Once you have reviewed the Cart, and finished the Checkout process, you may switch back to your admin account by scrolling to the bottom of the page, then click the Switch back to <name> (<shop name>) button.