1. From your shop Dashboard, go to Products.
2. Click Add new/Duplicate if you need to add a new product, or if you would like to edit an existing product, hover over the product you want to edit, then click Edit.
3. Scroll down to the Product data section.
- Wholesale prices*: Wholesale prices for the product
- Wholesale minimum order quantity*
- Wholesale order quantity step*
- Product Quantity Based Wholesale Pricing
- Wholesale prices*: Wholesale prices for the product
- Wholesale minimum order quantity*
- Wholesale order quantity step*
- Product Quantity Based Wholesale Pricing
4. When you are satisfied with the changes, click on Update.
* = Only applies to customers with the Wholesale role
Note: From a product’s Wholesale prices section, you may overwrite a new Wholesale price for a single product, for a single Wholesale role.